

Hello from Three Happy Campers!

Craig, Glenda and a smiling pup, Clay, travel the US in an RV and a truck, seeking peaceful spaces, beautiful scenery, state and national parks, and anything else they find along the way! This page is used to journal travels, and share their discoveries with family and friends and anyone else who has ever wanted to hit the road and see America!

Click the icon above to check out Craig’s photography and other 3HC travel highlights on Instagram!

Pre-Departure Jitters

Pre-Departure Jitters

Pre-Departure Jitters Atlanta, Georgia

 Hi Everyone!

I’m Glenda. My husband, Craig, and I are embarking on a new adventure, and through the encouragement of friends and family, we decided to document our experience and share it with you along the way! In December 2019, Craig retired from a 35-year career, working in corporate America for a large shipping company. After tens of thousands of hours behind a desk and his retirement date not far off on the horizon, he began to dream about the two of us heading out on a months-long RV trip across the United States and Canada. He spent a considerable amount of time planning and researching many aspects of this plan.

Suffice to say, endless hours of preparation have gone into converting a great idea into reality. And here we are…4 days away from our departure date! We purchased a 34-foot 5th wheel, sold the convertible and bought a Ford F250 diesel truck to pull our new “home”. Our Atlanta, Georgia home that does not have wheels went on Airbnb a few days ago (see picture below), and we already have our first customers! We are excited to begin this adventure finally and are so happy you’re coming along with us!

We expect to share many aspects of this road trip. The experience of travel, national parks, historic sites, and other landmarks will certainly be a primary feature. The challenges of being new RV operators should also prove to be interesting—although we are hoping not TOO much so! On a more personal note, I plan to share some perspective on what walking away from everything familiar will feel like and how living more simply feels. (You must know while I am grateful to have this opportunity and, in theory, this sounds like a lot of fun, I am a home-body, and this plan has caused me a small measure of angst, especially in these last remaining days before departure. Having strangers in our home while we’re away is yet another stretch.) We are also looking forward to seeing how this experience may increase our appreciation for the wonderful life we’ve been blessed with, the people in our lives—those we love now and those we will meet along the way, and seeing how our relationship with each other can grow.

Stay tuned! We leave Atlanta Saturday, February 1st! Heading southbound, our first stop is the small town of West Green, Georgia (population 767), where we will visit Glenda’s mother and brother. Next stop: Okefenokee Swamp Park in Waycross, Georgia, and then onward bound to a 6-week tour of the sunny state of Florida!


Goodbye, Home! See you sometime late this year!

Our First Stop! West Green, Georgia

Our First Stop! West Green, Georgia