

Hello from Three Happy Campers!

Craig, Glenda and a smiling pup, Clay, travel the US in an RV and a truck, seeking peaceful spaces, beautiful scenery, state and national parks, and anything else they find along the way! This page is used to journal travels, and share their discoveries with family and friends and anyone else who has ever wanted to hit the road and see America!

Click the icon above to check out Craig’s photography and other 3HC travel highlights on Instagram!

Smoke Signals in California

Smoke Signals in California

Hi Everyone!

We hope you're all doing well! Our first and only stop in California was near the Redwood Forest National Park, about 20 miles over the Oregon state line. As we explained in our last post, we've made a detour. We planned to explore California's coast for 3 to 4 weeks, but navigation through the state was difficult since 2020 holds the title for the largest fire season in California's history. If there wasn't an actual fire, the smoke hampered activities for many miles around. On the day we planned to leave the Redwood Forest area the smoke was getting pretty heavy. We chose to return to Idaho. We enjoyed our visit earlier this year and didn't get to see the city of Boise—so, Boise it was!

From California, we drove northeast and across the entire southern border of Oregon. After all the bragging we did previously on Oregon's lushness, we learned that the state's central and southeastern part is desert land! After a few days in Boise, Idaho, we stopped in Utah briefly and visited Dinosaur National Monument, which straddles Utah and Colorado's border. As the park website says, Dinosaurs once roamed here, and their remains are still embedded in the rocks. A pretty incredible story and sight, and we've shared some pictures.

While we were in Utah, we ate at a local restaurant in the city of Vernal. We were not familiar with the word vernal and debated its pronunciation—is it vernal rhymes-with-kernel? Or, is it vernal, sounds like VER-NOW? We asked our server; he casually said, "It's Vernal, just like the vernal equinox." "Ohhhh," we said, and looked at each other as if to say, "Of course!" But we had no idea what vernal was—or equinox. 😬 We had to google it, and we learned a little something that evening. We had a good laugh about how we went from unsure to clueless in a matter of seconds! Oh, and it's vernal, rhymes-with-kernel. 😉🌽

Next, we will spend about three weeks in Colorado. Such beautiful country there! Much love to you all!

Rocky Mountain High in Colorado!

Rocky Mountain High in Colorado!

All Over Oregon!

All Over Oregon!